Linux installer malfunctioning (ref#5YH81N)

That was it. Thanks Doug! I got overzealous in vim and removed that -O by accident.

I think the official Linux installer should maybe update the instructions to:

curl -L -O

If I try it in Ubuntu or Fedora without the -L flag it gives me the 301 error code in the screenshot since it has a redirect? I assume the redirect is http to https… so maybe just update the command to be https

FYI, the output:


Copying Files...Done
Failed to stop roonserver.service: Unit roonserver.service not loaded.

Installing /etc/systemd/system/roonserver.service

Enabling service roonserver...
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/roonserver.service.
Service Enabled

Starting service roonserver...
Service Started


All Done! RoonServer should be running on your machine now.