Live at the Fillmore, 1997 by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

This 4 CD compilation was released last month. I learned about from a glowing review of the album in the Chicago Tribune. After listening to this album a couple of times, I have concluded that this set is my new favorite live rock music album. Up this point, my favorite live albums were the Allman Brothers Live at the Filmore, LIttle Feat’s Waiting for Columbus.

I highly recommend checking out this outstanding album. The Heartbreakers were a great band and this album showcases the band. This album includes a lot of covers and interesting versions of the Hearbreaker’s hits. There is great musicianship and some entertaining audience participation. Tom Petty’s wry sense of humor shines in some of the songs, too. There are not many albums that I classify as “fun listens”, but this album in one of them.


HI Alan,

You might add this to the already existing thread…

I also found this release to be quite special and I’m glad that you started this thread. This release is available in high resolution on both Qobuz and Tidal and is well worth listening to. As you so correctly put it: a fun listen.

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Here here I bought this after a full listen through on Streaming
Bought hires from Qobuz 24/96, it’s a long but great listen :+1:t2:


The massive listening time has meant I’ve kept pushing this down my list of must listens. Rectifying that now, done by midnight if I don’t hit pause…


You might fall asleep before it finishes, but you will not regret the listening time :+1:t2:

You’re not wrong. Thanks to @Alan_Sherman for giving me the kick to get around to it.

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@Alan_Sherman! Better than The Allmans, At Fillmore East??!!

This is the big one Elizabeth!