This station is available in many streamers (even Volumio!) but not in Roon.
The station does not have a URL for the streams. A lot of free stations do not have URLs but are available in streaming boxes.
Could someone at Roon just take a look at the free stations available on Volumio, Linn, and other streaming boxes and update the list in Roon accordingly?
Is anyone at Roon even maintaining the Live Radio list?
Thanks. When I was on the Live Radio page it did not show up in the search.
It seems to show up in the general search, however.
When I go to “Browse Live Radio” and use the Filter option, Roon does not see any radio stations containing “Mother”.
Mother Earth radio also did not show up when I looked for German stations.
I’m glad it’s findable.
Perhaps a search dedicated to radio stations would help. Using Filter in the Browse Live Radio screen should be searching all the live radio stations, but apparently it does not.
I believe the filter only looks at “recently played” stations or station in you library in some cases anyway (it’s hit or miss). So the general search is the one to use for finding new stations.
I do not see a way to search for Hi-Res stations (this also depends or your definition of “Hi-Res”).
If you find stations you like and want to either provide a URL or want the curators to look for a higher res stream let us know in a new thread (so we can keep track of it).
Searching for hires will show flac streams 96k and over (there are only 8)
Searching for flac does (almost) what you think. Unfortunately, Roon only shows the first 50, and there are actually over 100. There doesn’t seem to be a way of getting Roon to display a useful subset.