I find it often works when I first switch to a station, but only for the first (and occasionally second) song. After that, no working links.
In my case at least it’s definitely to do with the core rather than remotes, as they all perform the same way regarding this issue.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to note that we are still working on this — There are a couple of compounding issues here that make this a little trickier than we had originally hoped, so I can’t provide specific timeframes just yet, but it’s something we hope to have resolved in the future.
Thanks Dylan. Odd, though, that the links worked fine for me for quite some time (definitely weeks; possibly months) when the feature was first introduced.
Glad someone else spotted this, thought it was me missing something - not madly crucial I know but a lot of fun when something does come on that would be nice to hear more…
I agree… I was just meaning, say in comparison with the way Roon search got messed up recently (which sort of makes the software unusable for me as I’m always looking for stuff), you know, on a scale of 1 to 10 - but yes let’s upgrade my ‘not crucial’ to ‘crucial’!
Actually I often use Shazam anyway and copy and past results into Roon - but as the search is crap just now…
It seems to me that the metadata should be linked again with the music offer in my Qobuz account, as it was before the updates.
Personally, I find the new updates a little too ambitious, at the expense of remote stability (too many IPad crashes), excessive memory space consumption (almost 1 Gb of space is added every month, requiring at last a fresh reinstall and all my settings are lost).
And now the metadata problem.
As a music lover I still think Roon is unsurpassed, but there shouldn’t be too many bumps in my path, which spoils the fun. I could live without daily mixes, but not with the aforementioned shortcomings.
Does Roon have even the slightest intention of repairing this feature and reintegrating it back into the software? Linking to artists/tracks “now playing” on RP radio or other stations while pointing to one’s Qobuz or Tidal account is not a “nice to have” but rather a “must have”. It was there once and worked admirably. When will it be reinstated? Thanks.
Hmm. Interesting. Metadata links have been working here on Radio Paradise Mellow Mix for the last hour. Scala Radio too.
Fingers crossed it’s been sorted.
seems to be working here on main, rock and mellow mixes and finding content both within my own library and also on Qobuz. I won’t break out the bubbly just get but things are looking promising.