Live Radio: metadata

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends on the detail of the metadata. Here’s one where Roon identified it

Which Roon IDs as

And a click gets you to

So it can work well. I think you’ve done all you can.

Hi all, is there a way to make this work for BBC Radio 6 Music? The BBC sounds app displays the song and ‘now playing’ but when you listen via Roon it doesn’t have anything (other than the station title).


Unfortunately not. The BBC streams do not carry metadata (try VLC - they can’t show it either). The BBC sounds app will get the metadata via their own separate route which Roon cannot follow.


Ok, thanks @BrianW. Is that something the BBC could be asked by Roon to provide? I apprecaite entirely this is not Roon’s fault or a Roon issue but it is something that would enhance Roon a lot, so would be great if you could!

I don’t know and wouldn’t presume. This sounds like a good #roon:feature-requests to me. Please post there where the Roon people will add it into their considerations.

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It can be done under two conditions:
1 - find an API broadcasting the metadata
2 - setup an Icecast server + Node Red to merge audio stream and metadata retrieved from the API

I can definitely help with 2, adding BBC Radio 6 to the server I set for Radio France stations.

I was unfortunately unable to find an API for Radio 6 metadata, the one from BBC website is only broadcasting program name and not songs.


Update: found an API for Radio 6 :

Unfortunately BBC is streaming in HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) which I cannot handle now… Will keep investigating.