Local Ft Wayne Radio Stations Stopped Playing


For some reason my local radio stations stopped playing again on ROON. Can someone help check FM: 96.3 XKE and 103.9 Wayne.

The radio stations are still broadcasting when you go direct to their websites.

This has happened a few times before, any known reason?



Hello @James_Graves , I’ve updated the streams for
96.3 KXE Fort Wayne
103.9 Wayne FM. (IS only)

The reason these streams changed was that the stations had changed their server to use the amperwave.net domain. This has affected a number of stations.

Thank you for the fix Brian!

Can you check one other: “Johny Winters Winterland, Florida”

Thanks so much.


Hmm. It doesn’t have its own website so I’m not sure it’s alive - most 3rd party sites have it as offline.

However, I found one which did play a stream which may be correct. I have added it to the station, let me know if it is OK.

Hi Brian,

Yes, Johnny Winters Winterland works! Thanks so much for helping to ger radio stations to work!


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