Local vs Streaming Media

Don’t bother! Seriously, unless you need local files for use outside of Roon, or have such musical taste that isn’t on Tidal, just stream everything from a Tidal sub. Just rip the CDs that aren’t on Tidal.

Whether playing local or Tidal files you need an internet connection with Roon, so local files are fairly pointless to a large degree now.

The problem with relying solely on streaming platforms is that artists/labels can pull content on a whim, or geographical licensing arrangements can make it suddenly unavailable in a particular country. For albums that I really like, I either buy it on CD or pay for a >= CD quality download which goes into my local library.


Good idea! Pay a monthly fee to stream music that you have already paid for and is sitting there in your house on a cd.

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But, if you pay to stream the files you don’t own, then streaming the others is free.

Basically, I don’t own any files, don’t want to own any, and would not be heart broken to lose any of my 3000+ linked albums. There is more than enough to listen to over my remaining lifetime.


I re-evaluated my thoughts on streaming

While I like the idea of ‘owning’ a copy, I must confess I’ve wasted 1000s on LPs and CDs over the years that I rarely listen to. I must have 100s of CDs I bought, span once and never bothered with again

In that sense, streaming saves me money; rather than buying music that languishes, I can click on it and try it - if it sticks, great - if not, no loss

Now streaming quality is really good, that former obstacle has gone too - I’m a convert

In the event I lost access to a streamed only favourite - I’d just buy it, confident it’s already a fave


Ownership matters. My music archive is completely impervious to censorship, artist disputes and licensing squabbles. Collecting and ripping CDs is a fun hobby.


I would say more than enough for 3 full lifetimes (that I wish for you).

And I would add that editing metadata is also a learning device (for years, collaborations, etc) so I would not cry over that.

The only thing that bothers me with streaming is the $ for the artists. That is why I try to buy (again after years of not listening to music)


What’s a cd?

Something used by early humans to store data.


Isn’t that part of the process? With some investment made, you also value the work of the artist in another way, and perhaps give your LP a second or third listen and discover aspects you wouldn’t have if it was just another “passer by” in the streaming flow?
I share the experience, but rarely regret a purchase.

Past vs. future. :wink:

CDs are obsolete. I buy downloads most of the time and get CDs for anything I don’t find otherwise. I like ownership (and I am using LMS btw, which works offline), but, as @Traian_Boldea said, it’s the artist I’m rewarding.


Exact same for me, including LMS, in addition to Roon.

So you switched wholesale then to LMS, how’s that going for you?

Pretty good actually, thanks for asking! I was able to use the exact same topology (core, Pi endpoints etc.) I never used fancy search; I either know what I want to listen to or (most often) just go to Qobuz’s new releases list. I listen mostly in the kitchen (ceiling speakers) and at my desk (small bookshelf speakers or headphones), so I don’t really need DSP for now. Most importantly, I’m using OpenVPN in my router, so I can access everything from everywhere. For a free product, it’s more than I could ask for.


People who argue against CDs, against Vinyl, etc etc, assume that people are (or ought to be) optimizing for cost and/or efficiency. Many people prioritize other things including the idea of owning media, the idea of shopping in person at a store for things, the act of selecting a disc from a shelf and spinning it in a machine to play sound. Sure it’s not “optimal” for those who prioritize cost/convenience but it may well be “optimal” for others (they just have a different cost function).


Moving away from analog media is mainly about quality. Moving away for all media is about reducing environmental impact. I think those are good enough reasons for saying people ought to do it.

It’s all good. Nothing is obsolete. Use whatever you want.


It’s a great free product for certain use cases. I had many years with it.

Plus 100 million or so tracks you don’t already own. You don’t discover new music by playing your old collection over and over and over.