London Grammar's The Greatest Love pre-release track not available

London Grammar’s “The Greatest Love” is slated for a September release. They’ve pre-released two tracks, “House” and “Kind of Man”.

Both are available in Qobuz, only House is available in Roon+Qobuz.

This is a recurring issue with Roon’s handling of pre-release albums. Sometimes pre-release albums show up with “Unavailable” track names which don’t update when the actual track names are published. Similarly, tracks don’t become available as they pre-release.

If possible, can you fix the current issue with this album and also explore fixing the underlying issue?


This kind of pre-release is something that Qobuz does that we don’t really agree with. TIDAL by contrast releases the singles as… singles.

Anyway, it looks like the updated streaming rights for the new single didn’t get passed to us. I’ve asked Qobuz to take a look.

Thanks, @joel.

I can’t compare Qobuz to Tidal because I don’t have Tidal. I do have Apple Music and they do what Qobuz does.

I prefer this because it contextualizes the songs as they’re released.

If Qobuz isn’t going to change their approach, I hope you folks can make it work more reliably. Thanks.

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