Looking to use Tailscale with Roon Server running on a NAS

Looking to enable tailscale on Roon . It requires the Roon web administration - from what I see this is only available with the nucleus instances of Roon.

I run Roon on a QNAP. I clicked on the find OS, tried to connect to all the ports that Roon exposes but no joy.

Anyway to connect/configure tailscale on Roon w/out the Nucleus?

You set it up on the nas.

I am assuming you mean setup Tailscale on the NAS (QNAP), yes tried that - it has it’s own issues that are documented on the tailscale git issues.

Back to my question - can you get to the Roon Web Interface on a non-nucleus based system - in my case running on a QNAP NAS?

No there is no Roon OS web administration interface you could potentially connect to. This is because you don’t use Roon OS, running Roon Server on your NAS, but QTS or QuTS Hero as the OS. Both provide you with their own set of web administration tools.

No. The web interface is only on those systems running the Linux RoonOS, aka a Rock or Nucleus. Tailscale needs to be setup on the PC’s OS, Linux, Mac, Windows, whatever modified Linux a NAS is running.

I installed Tailscale on my Mac Mini, iPad Mini 6, and Dell laptop. I set up a Roon ARC system using the Mac Mini Roon server with Roon ARC on the iPad. I use the Dell laptop to manage Tailscale.

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thanks, did this and it’s causing DNS issues. Created a tailscale ticket. BTW, if you do this pull tailscale from the github repro and not the QNAP application list. QNAP app is many versions behind.

I have tailscale across many devices also - great solution.

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I tried it on Qnap once and it had similar issues.

You could run it in a container instead using docker. But If your running it on over devices locally already then you could use subnet routing to allow the Nas to use it and be seen on your Tailnet.

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