Lumin app not showing all files

With Minim running on Synology NAS, the Lumin app is only showing 890 of 5900 albums imported into the DB.

Any ideas on why it may not be adding them all?

Those albums need to be tagged properly.

They show up fine fine in a generic DLNA app (pulling off the same Minim server). All files have proper and complete tags.

Generic DLNA does not require tags.

Lumin app does.

Please find one album that shows up, and one that does not. Launch mp3tag to compare the tags of these two albums, and find out the common and different tags.

If necessary, you may upload a missing album / track to somewhere and send a link to and ask why it does not show in Lumin app from MinimServer. They can check the tag for you by running mp3tag.

Here’s an example of an album that is NOT showing up in the Lumin app, but appears to be properly tagged.

Please try converting it to AIFF or zero compression FLAC instead of WAV, then copy the tags.

See if this makes any difference.

I pointed to an old FLAC only library with a subset of the same CD’S and it pulled 100% of those files in via import, so could the WAV format be causing the issue?

If the conversion makes it become available, you will have proven this hypothesis.