Lumin P1 as Network Switch

I was reading the Lumin online manual today and I came upon a tip that stated that the P1 can use one of its ports to connect the LUMIN P1 to my network, while the other port on the P1 can be used to connect another device to my network.

I currently use the P1’s SFP port for my router connection via single mode fiber optic. Can I connect my Roon ROCK NUC to he RJ45 port on the P1?

Is there any advantage to this?

Can other wired Roon devices in my home “see” the ROCK if they connected to the same router?

Does the P1 need to be on all the time?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

P.S. I apologize if this has been answered before.

Thanks for pointing this out. I hadn’t thought to try it. My P1 is connected by single mode fiber, to a router in another room. But now I know I have an option to connect my Roku, without another long, but copper, cable. I tried it just now and it works, even with the P1 off.



Yes, because if P1 is turned off in the proposed network topology above, ROCK will lose access to the network.

Thanks Peter!

Just to clarify, when you say that the P1 needs to be on all the time. Is that the main switch in the back PLUS the P1 taken out of standby via the remote, or just the main switch and remaining in standby is ok?

For the network switch to function, the main switch must be ON. Standby is ok.

Thanks again.