LUMIN supports Andoid BubbleUPnP Audio Cast

LUMIN 11th Anniversary Firmware 17.1 supports Andoid BubbleUPnP Audio Cast.

Merry Christmas!

Since Lumin does not support Chromecast, Andoid BubbleUPnP app Audio Cast is the best alternative for casting YouTube audio (or other music apps) from Android to Lumin as 16/44.1.

Remember to Clear Lumin Playlist First before you attempt to cast from BubbleUPnP - this serves three purposes:

  1. Avoid the 16-track limit of free version of BubbleUPnP app
  2. Avoid the case that you have already reached the playlist limit of Lumin (2000)
  3. Avoid the case that you already have a previous session of BubbleUPnP audio cast

If you get an Error Code 501 from BubbleUPnP app, clear the Lumin Playlist.

Firmware 17.1 2023-12-12 Change Log:

  • Support Android BubbleUPnP Audio Cast (must clear Lumin playlist first)
  • Support floating point WAV
  • Update Spotify Connect SDK
  • Workaround some firewalls for Qobuz streaming

Lumin: always innovating! Thanks!

Peter I always appreciate your involvement in this community and you are an amazing ambassador for Lumin.
… But is there a good reason that Lumin doesn’t support Chromecast?

I live in a house of high end Android devices and no iPhones so it can be a frustrating when looking at the likes of Lumin and Matrix Audio excluding Chromecast when so many others support it.
(I say this as the owner of a MA mini-i Pro 3 which I can really only use with Roon or Bluetooth )

I am guessing there is a good reason for it, I just don’t know what it is

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Actually there are multiple obstacles preventing us.

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Thanks Peter I had assumed that was the case.

Assuming it is Google related, based on what iFi previously said as well

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I have heard the stacking quite resource heavy in regards to memory, this was what Naim said even though they added it, it’s quite slow at responding to connections and it honestly never sounded as good as RAAT or their UPnP implementation.


It’s fairly troublesome on my son’s Onkyo amplifier. So I bought him a WIIM Pro which has worked perfectly for him.

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It’s never instant start with Chromecast which annoys me. It’s ok after it’s made its initial connection and switch but it takes too long to initiate from cold which I don’t get from RAAT or UPnP.

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It takes a few seconds with WIIM to play back.
It would take 30 seconds to a minute with Onkyo CC and often failed.
I guess a bad implementation is worse than none in those scenarios and BT can be the winner.