Luna - Rendezvous album not hyperlinked

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Luna - Rendezvous

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Description of the issue

In the Artist Biography section this album doesnt appear to be hyperlinked even though its in my library?

Below you can see it clearly in the text. All the other albums mentionedin the text link up fine that are in my library and not in Qobuz.

Hi @Simon_Arnold3, this is because the Wikipedia article doesn’t hyperlink it… Perhaps the Luna Live Wikipedia page didn’t exist at the time? In any case, we don’t attempt to extract links from unlinked Wikipedia text (and currently have no intention of doing so).

Okay thanks for the update, but it does link Rendevouz which is the album I am referring to in my post no Luna Live. Screen grab from Wikipedia below. will check in Roon again tonight to see if this has updated to reflect this.

Oh, apologies. This is simply because, although Wikipedia has a (Wikipedia) link, there was no metadata ID link connecting the Luna Wikidata page and the MusicBrainz release group page. I made an edit to the MusicBrainz item: Edit #107703419 - MusicBrainz

Our Wikidata updater runs at the weekend, so this should be fixed sometime early next week.

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No worries, thanks Joel.

All sorted close this one.

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