Lyrics on songs for The Stranglers album 'The Raven' are those from their album 'La Folie'

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The Stranglers album ‘The Raven’

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Description of the issue

The Stranglers album ‘The Raven’ shows the lyrics for the equivalently numbered track on their album ‘La Folie’. For instance, the song ‘Shah Shah a Go Go’ (the 7th song on the album) shows the lyrics for ‘Pin Up’ (the 7th song on ‘La Folie’).

Hey @Karen_Hughes,

As always, we appreciate the heads up here. We’ll take a look at how this information is reflected on our lyric providers’ side and see what we can do! Please understand that we can’t make any promises regarding a timeline for corrections when coordinating with our metadata providers. Please continue to bring these issues to our attention as you encounter them. We’re grateful for your help. :pray:t2:

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No problems Jamie - thanks very much for your reply.

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Hey @Karen_Hughes,

Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that we’ve created a ticket for this and we’re making adjustments in Roon that should help prevent mismatched lyrics. System-wide changes take a bit more time to implement, so the fix could take a bit to appear in Roon. But, we’re on the case! Thanks again for your help! :pray:t2:

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