Mac Desktop Roon Server / iPad remote

If I hardwire my Mac OS desktop / laptop to Ethernet and plan to use iPad as remote for Roon Server. It seems I need to enable both WiFi for the remote connection. How can I configure so that the incoming streaming from Qobuz is using the hardwired Ethernet, but the iPad communication is WiFi ?

You only enable ethernet to the desktop. Your wifi ipad will see the roonserver on ethernet as long as they are both on the same network as defined by your router.

Meaning the IP numbers given to wifi and ethernet devices all start with the same 3 number groups, ie 192.168.1.xx where xx should be unique on the network.

That is what I assumed would br the case.
It’s good to get some clarification
Thank You

Maybe a dumb question here, but I’m having enough issues with roon I’m considering quitting.

I use an ipad generally as my remote. Roon constantly “loses the device” and music stops until I forward to next song. Its VERY annoying.

I tried plugging in an ethernet cable to my mini, and everything stopped working with roon. We use the mini for other purposes, but I’d like to have it hard wired and still use Roon…which I can’t seem to figure out how to do.

Where would I enable ethernet to the desktop?