Mac Mono Upgrade Question

Hi, can you expand on the following:

I may consider a NUC in the future or a Windows if Roon starts giving me problem due to library size. Although, if OS X is able to handle it over time I’d like to stay with the Apple machine.

We incorporated a minor upgrade to Mono to avoid a bug that we discovered while working on the new Chromecast support. I wouldn’t expect any significant changes to the performance landscape as a result.

I don’t know how large your music library is. For 99% of our users (not exaggerating…we have the data), the library is not large enough for these distinctions to matter at all.

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Thanks for the response.

Is there a general ballpark (tracks or album #?) where things start becoming problematic and one platform is preferred over another?

From past readings, I remember that Windows is preferred for big libraries over Mac and ROCK. Similarly, I’ve read that either internal or direct USB attached drive is preferred over NAS with big libraries due to overhead. Is there a ballpark point where this happens?

Right now I use local USB hard drives and have zero problems and do manual backup to USB drives. I was considering a NAS previously but held off (just for music storage and not as a Roon core).

I’m just trying to put together where these 2 things (operating system and media storage) start making a difference or intersect. Does a particular operating system running Roon work better with NAS?

I doubt I’ll come close to running into those problems, but would still like to know for academic purposes and peace of mind.

Somewhere in the 300-500,000 tracks range is where I’d start thinking about stuff like that. There’s no situation where I’d prefer NAS over local storage, at any scale.

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Thanks. Looks like i don’t have to worry about that anytime soon. Do you see OS X or ROCK catching up to Windows in the next couple of years?

Regarding NUCs and option for dual drives, do you have a preference for internal drives vs. external direct attached USB drives. Is there a noticeable difference between those two?


Yeah, I think there’s a reasonable possibility. At some point .NET Core will be mature enough to replace Mono for us, I think. When that happens, the performance gap will close.