Make Roon Remote scrolling behavior consistent on Android

Currently the scroll bars in the Roon Remote app have different behavior on different screens.

For example - every list under the My Library section (Albums, Artists, Tracks, etc) displays the draggable quick-scroll bar on the side of the screen when you start scrolling, however other lists like the track listing when looking at a playlist, the History, and the endpoint Queue lists do not.

This makes navigating large playlists or jumping around in the history an extremely frustrating experience, having to furiously thumb-scroll (sometimes for for tens of seconds!) to navigate to the desired location. Please give all list views across app the same consistent quick-scroll behavior.

This behavior has been observed on a Galaxy S10+, and S23 Ultra. I do not have an android tablet to test with but I have adjusted my phone DPI several times to different tablet values and the behavior seems consistent regardless of device.