Manual & Scheduled Backups Failing - "System.OutOfMemoryException: Array dimensions exceeded supported range."

Hello @noris,

Thanks for your reply and comments.

A copy of the RoonServer directory and Database have been uploaded as requested.

A Library Cleanup was run as requested but prior to the Cleanup the Roon application requested an update to the Roon database. After the database upgrade an application upgrade was available. The application update was applied.

The Library Cleanup went through the following process:

“Snapshotting databases for backup…”
“Waiting for your Roon Core…”
“Uh oh, something’s not right”

[This is normal. Waiting…]
[Back to Settings > Backups screen, Spinner]

Backup status, Preparing…
Transferring… X%

[This is the first time ‘Transferring X%’ has appeared]

Backup succeeded!

Remote: Roon version 2.0 (build 1272) production *
Core: Roon version 2.0 (build 1272) production

  • Just updated