Manufacturer threatens lawsuit over negative review

dCS: “Manufacturer threatens lawsuit over negative review”

I must say, I find this very disappointing.



Chilling. They’ve clearly never heard of the Streisand effect.


dCS has made a critical mistake. Most of us, who have not owned anything from them, have been curious. Well, my curiosity is no more.

I’ll continue to patronize brands like Chord Electronics, Audeze, and others, who have a healthy relationship with the community.

Really dCS!? You are going to smash a reviewer, who offered his opinion about your product?

This is a highly subjective community, do you really think that he damaged your high-end brand and prevented your ability to sell your wares?

Do you really believe that?

As it stands now, I would think that you are finished [as you were just beginning to enter] in the headphone community.



dCS has irreversibly damaged their brand and image in the audiophile world, and that will cost them more than any negative review will ever do



Bravo @Torben_Rick :+1:


Bravo @Amir_Majidimehr :+1:


I was horrified when I started watching this video last night and by the end of it I was thinking that everyone excluding DCS and their lawyers have responded really well and put out truthful and honest responses.

If DCS wants to ignore that and move forward with this type of case then it doesn’t bode well for their future in the audiophile community.


DCS Response:


My thoughts:

It’s good that I can’t afford their products because then I don’t have to feel that ‘I’m cutting off my nose to spite my face’ when I refuse to buy them out of principle :grinning:


I’ve been to several Head-Fi CanJams where dCS was one of the main manufacturers on display (meaning that dCS had one of the exclusive private/quiet rooms) and the dCS representatives were very friendly and helpful. Of course this means nothing with respect to present controversy.

While one may feel that dCS products are overpriced and full of audiophile mumbo jumbo, their products are carefully engineered and very well built using state of the art designs, components and construction. In other words, dCS products are not snake oil. The Lina DAC/Word Clock/Headphone Amp stack used to drive the Focal Utopia headphones remains one of the best sounding (and expensive) headphone setups I have ever heard.

Hopefully this controversy will be resolved quickly since dCS has always acted in the best interests of the audio community and Golden Sound is an honest reviewer who also has the best interests of the audio community at heart.

Audio engineers - check
Audio reviewers - check
Lawyers - TROUBLE!!!

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A reassuring response from the dCS CEO who does a reasonable job of lowering the temperature.

However, he says:

Firstly, there was no threat of litigation in the letter sent May 2024 from our legal representative to GoldenSound. The word litigation was not used in the correspondence to GoldenSound

If I recall correctly the legal representative did refer to damages (general, compensatory and punitive), which is an unusual choice of words for correspondence that isn’t threatening litigation.


Those attorneys say the darnedest things :grin: :grin:

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The whole situation is quickly falling into “he said, she said” territory and that usually means that everyone involved is digging in their heels and nothing positive or good will come of it. Very sad and very childlike.


Sit back and :popcorn::cup_with_straw:

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Anyone wanting to sell a Vivaldi Apex very cheaply to wash your hands clean of dCS, please PM me. My Rossini Apex and Clock could use some company in another part of the house.

Let’s face it, one blogger and one reseller isn’t going to shift the tide. How many dCS components do you think they sell? How many people are going to purchase gear at this price from an online retailer? My guess is that sales were super low making it easier to get some cheap publicity. Conspiracy theory: They have another brand at higher margins they are hoping to push.

I don’t recall another bad dCS review. If it wasn’t for a posting on the dCS forum I would have never seen this review.


The bad review isn’t the point here. They’ve shone an uncomfortable spotlight on themselves. Some people care how the companies they buy from behave.


Cameron - good on you - dCS - bad puppy . . .

. . . but isn’t music more important than the fetishised home audio we buy and use?

Peace & Love

I suppose that matters if you own or have the intention of ever owning dCS. Do either of those pertain to you?

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