Marketing emails from Roon

Roons a premium subscription service, so really why is this so surprising. Luckily my account is tied to my spam account so never read any emails I get from Roon. But checked and I didn’t receive it.

Thanks Dean I’m with you. I have twentyseven audio/audiophile newsletters and sites that i go to evry week. they are part of my info gathering and entertainment. I downloaded and thoroughly enjoyed the luxury page of the Munich High End Show. The only thing i really care about, since i am a lifetime subscriber of Roon product, is that they continue to support it in such a way that all us users can understand and manipulate through. Its not like receiving funds from Blood diamonds. I have heard DCS products and they do work very well. Too bad we all cannot afford them-- but then they would not be “high end” products

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No I did not find I offensive

I took no offense. But I fully support the rights of those who thrive on finding things about which to be offended.


Yes, who knows? But I paid for lifetime so I’m not expecting any price increases. I just want to get rid of spam. And it’s more work than ususal in this case.

I’m not sure I can get too worked up about an advert, not that I received it or if I did Gmail knows me better than Roon and it ended up in my spam folder.

But on a slightly related note I noticed that the Financial Time’s “How to Spend It” magazine is being rebranded.

Maybe Roon’s targeted emails are actually more targeted than we think :laughing:

The How To Spend It name was created in 1967, when the FT’s first female employee suggested the wives of its readers might enjoy a section on how to spend their husband’s income.

I read the article and found that the interpretation How To Spam It wasn’t mentioned :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m a lifetime subscriber mate and have been for many years. So upping the monthly bill makes no odds to me.

And your point about Roon being a software company is wrong. Have you heard of the Roon Nucleus?

The Nucleus hardly comes anywhere remotely close to Roon being a hardware company in anyway shape or form.

Definitely a software company.


Still a software company…Nucleus is a side hustle :slight_smile:

The only emails I want from Roon are relating to updates and software issues if any.
If I was interested in buying any DCS equipment I would contact a dealer and from looking at the volume pot for starters as already mentioned, I consider a cheap pot in something that costs that much, a piss take.


Bravo Rod. That’s exactly where I’m coming from. Roon have no business sending me unsolicited emails about kit. Period.


How hard is it to delete an email?


If you want to have all offers of all visited pages (always say yes I do) and then don’t like to delete them manually, your mailbox will fill up. It’s like any lottery you want to enter. Give me a notification when I win, but don’t sell me anything. Contradictions in ourselves?

Roon is more than a page on the internet we visited. Seems like much ado about nothing.

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Advertising works with ado (noise), attention and Roon should be grateful to first whistleblower. Without excitement no perception.

Soon comes the complaint, why did not I get this mail. :rofl:

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What email? :wink:

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Roon is a luxury product.

Who cares? Let the Roon store sell and market anything they want to. Roon is the high-end listening experience so it makes sense that they promote high end dacs. I think that Roon should promote and market any Roon Ready partner equipment.

I care because I have always believed that the ethos of the Roon team was the user experience and an awesome interface and ease of use.

Sending me unsolicited emails about high end kit by one of their partners I found to be patronising.

I’m free to dislike such practices by a company that I have come to respect over the years.

The irony is that I am fortunate enough to already have some lovely kit that is out of the reach for most people. But I will decide what kit I look at; I don’t need Roon shoving someone else’s kit down my throat.

And no I can’t unsubscribe because then I miss out on information that I might care about.

It’s simple. Roon should stay focused on its core business, respect its private customers, and stop being a barker for other peoples products.