Marvin Gaye - In the Groove/I Heard it on the Grapevine incorrect metadata

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Marvn Gaye - In the Groove/I Heard it on the Grapevine,

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Is the album identified in Roon?

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Description of the issue

Marvin Gayes album In The Groove was renamed in 1968 to be called Heard it on The Grapevine, I have this version released by Motown on CD.

Roon matches it to this release

But data is not correct this is not a merged album

I can force Roon to Idenity it as this one which is correct, but again metadata is not correct looking at Allmusic, Plex picks up the correct text as do all metadata editors identifying the album correctly

from Plex this should be the review text, cover is using my artwork which is the one on the cover of the CD.

Here is allmusic review

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@joel Be good to get some feedback here as to why Roons pulling the wrong metadata when it’s sources show the correct ones.

I think some bad TiVo metadata is confusing us. I’ve asked them to take a look.

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Thanks Joel.

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@joel still not getting correct album review for this one in Roon still showing the one I showed further up. Would you be able to chase please?

@joel any chance of getting this sorted? Roon is still showing the wrong review of the album?

Hmm, I thought this was fixed a while ago. Please would you try re-identifying the album?

That sorted it. I thought it would pop up on its own. Thanks Joel.

So did I. I consider that a bug and will report it to the team.

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