Marvin Gaye Whats Goin ON

So, I got Marvin Gaye’s Whats Goin On today as the 24/192 was on sale and when I went to read up on it, the “review” was detailing a version I did not have. See Pic.

The majority of the review talks about the 2001 2001 Deluxe Edition which is not the one I own. Even going into and selecting the correct version under albums does not change the review version. I have noticed this several times with other albums, but I thought I’d mention it.

Good catch @Rugby – we have a ticket open in our bug tracker with a few other examples, where we’re picking the review from a reissue as opposed to the original release.

Right now, reviews are per album as opposed to per edition. Other fields are edition specific, but making reviews work this way has a number of technical challenges. We’re considering it, but for now the goal is to always deliver a review that describes the album (as opposed to the edition/reissue).

Thanks for the report!

@mike That is how I would like it work. Specifics about a special version are nice but certainly not anything I care too much about at all.

Not really relevant, but my Father’s Uncle played violin on that album. Kind of a family fav!

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Semi-relevant, and incredibly cool!

What was his name?

Zinovi Bistritzky (real name was Zeama, but it was Americanized to Zinovi???)

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Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.