Mason ate my Micro Rendu

My 6mth puppy somehow found his way to where the Micro Rendu was. I am surprised he didn’t get electrocuted. Anyway it is well and truly dead.

I now have an Ultra Rendu. I was not expecting to hear any difference. I was wrong. It is so much better and I really didn’t think it could get better.

The drums on Adele’s I Miss You are amazing as are the drums on Carly Simon’s album, Anticipation. Not just the drums but all of it.

I have always thought Adele’s albums to be badly produced as they have always sounded muddy. Playing via the Ultra has really solved that issue.


For a second I thought you meant the puppy. :astonished:


Gosh no! He is still alive and chaotic. Decided to dig up the lawn earlier. Bath tomorrow.

I think I have finally found the cause of the dropouts. The Orbi Satellite. I changed the one that had most attached to it, to the one upstairs. So far 3 albums and no drop outs.

You should send him round to @MortimerBrewster62 , he was digging some beds in his garden, he could do with a hand. :wink:


Indeed I could.
The digging and bending motion is something I really struggle with.

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