I can report some good news!
The X-SPDIF 2 is completely compatible with the Spring with a stock HDMI cable. No channel swapping is occurring for either PCM or DSD.
My X-SPDIF 2 settings are:
- DoP to Native: Off
- IIS Reverse: Off
- MCLK: doesn’t matter: according to Jeff Zhu (Spring designer), MCLK is not used.
One gotcha for PCM, Roon must be set to output 24 bits max, otherwise the bottom 8 bits will be hard-truncated in the Spring (i.e. without dither ). I was getting a low level of static at 705/32 and 768/32 which disappeared with 705/24 and 768/24. Oddly the static was not present with 352/32 and 384/32, so I’m not quite sure what’s going on there.
DSD512 is working with the latest beta Ropieee kernel; thanks @spockfish!
My replay chain is:
Roon ––RAAT––> Ropieee ––USB––> HOLO Audio Titanis ––USB––> X SPDIF 2 ––I2S––> Spring
The Titanis is the 300mA version of the USB re-conditioner and is powering the X SPDIF 2 via the USB bus. It seems more than adequate, even though the spec. calls for 500mA. (Jeff Zhu took a look at the picture of the Matrix’s internals and estimated from the components used that it needs around 150mA.)
What I particularly like about this set-up is that the Matrix can be powered via the USB input and it has dedicated power filtering. So, for a modest outlay compared to the US$2500 price of the (Kitsune Tuned Edition) DAC – £300 for the Matrix and US$90 for the Titanis – this is a solution which incorporates USB re-conditioning (Titanis) and has two levels of USB power conditioning (Titanis and on the input to the Matrix).
The alternative was to power the Matrix with something like the Uptone ISO Regen and an Ultracap LPS-1 for over £700 in addition to the Matrix. No thanks.
Finally, the Matrix I2S output is galvanically isolated from the rest of the box, so that’s probably every checkbox ticked.
Early days, but it sounds very very good indeed into my STAX SR-009 headphones. I don’t (and will never) have a Singxer SU-1 USB to I2S bridge for comparison, but I’m guessing the Matrix unit is quite equivalent from an audio quality perspective. With that assumption, I think that the X-SPDIF 2 is the perfect partner for a Spring.