Mayer Hawthorne - Where Does This Door Go

Running Roon 1.1 (build 55) on a laptop - MacBook Pro with OS X 10.10.5
Organized folder on a NAS (using NFS)
Depending on what I’m doing, I’ll be either fully wired, or my laptop (only) is wireless.

I have an album I purchased and downloaded from Qobuz. Every time I drop the album into an Organized folder, tracks 10 and 11 get conflated somehow.

So, as downloaded from Qobuz:


Becomes this in the Roon Organized Folder:

1-10 Corsican Rosé.flac
1-11 Corsican Rosé.flac

And in the Roon Album view:

When I look at the File Tags via Roon, the TITLE for track 10 is correct: Reach Out Richard

When I play track 10, the song is Reach Out Richard, despite the incorrect title displayed.

It’s the only album I’ve seen this problem with so far, but it is reproducible. Deleting the album and re-adding it always results in this mixup.


Carl moved this thread to Metadata Issues. I was conflicted about this categorization, because I was sure it was an Organized folder issue. But it inspired me to do another test. Instead of dropping this album into an Organized folder, I dropped it into a Watched folder.

While the filename is unchanged this time, the track 10 is still incorrectly labeled.

So, probably metadata issue. Metadata looks ok on allmusic:

MusicBrainz Picard correctly identifies the original files as this release:

It looks like we’ve got an error in our database here – organized folders will move your files based on how they appear in Roon, so if we’ve identified the album as the version of this album that has two versions of Corsican Rosé, that’s how it will appear on your drive

I’m going to make sure we get the error fixed on our end. For now, I would recommend clicking the little pencil on the album screen, then choosing Identify Album – there are little arrows that let you pick the version you’re being matched with. See if you can find a version of the album with the correct tracklisting, then the files will get moved automatically.

While we haven’t made a final decision on the feature yet, this kind of confusion behavior is one of the reasons we generally recommend using Watched Folders, and why we are considering removing the Organized Folder feature altogether.

Thanks for the report @soundserge!

Unfortunately, there was no matching album. Just so I understand, is this something you can fix in a Roon database or do you have to wait for an upstream database to be corrected first?

This is a bug in our database. I’ve opened a ticket in our tracker, and once it’s fixed it will be updated in your collection automatically.

That correction will happen in the background regardless, but for now, why don’t you select the mislabeled track, and then click Edit. You should be able to use the track name from the file tags for now.

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.