Memory leak in mono-sgen process?

I have a raspberry pi with a hat running the roonbridge software. Every couple of months I log into my pi and the mono-sgen process has eaten all the available ram on the device. Killing the process frees it back up, but then it just happens again.

I’m not even playing anything with this bridge, it just sits there as I use it very occasionally. However, it’s always needing to be killed to free device memory.

Anyone else see this?

Tuning garbage collectors like mono-sgen is more of an art than a science, I’m afraid. What OS are you running on your Pi?

DietPi v8.3.1 on a RPi 3 Model B (aarch64)

Nobody else has this problem? Is the only solution really to just kill -9 it every few weeks?

Maybe try a newer release?

Shouldn’t having the latest roon bridge client update that too? If it’s a dependent package, it should have the updates, right?

I meant of diet pi. I think yours is a year old.

I updated to 8.19.1, hopefully it’ll perform better. Thanks.

Nope, it’s still happening.