Memory leak in Roon?! [Solved: Update to Build 970]

@Cam_Gilbert The Windows images are clear, there is this problem on your PC. Some with larger main memory had reported experiencing this problem as well, but with one reboot a day it was done by the next day. Other users reported a few hours and the 4 GB or 8 GB was used up. Here it is 44 GB in 2-3 hours. With Manjaro Linux the problem does not appear. It is also not present on every Mac or Windows PC. So there is a certain system condition or usage type that is causative.

Going back with all remote controls is hardly feasible. If you only have Windows PCs in use, you should archive every release and then you can always go back.

@John_Warden yes any consideration of the future is speculation as to what will be. I never expect all the work in the world to be done forever with a single development step/release.

Maybe the automatic translation never brings everything across so clearly. As another user, I may also share my experience and expectationsicher.

Of course no one expects perfection in one step - that’s why your earlier and later comments seem to address some naive expectation that no one raised other than you.

My question is very different and quite specific - have the Dev team considered and tried to address the various different reported experiences of memory leaks, which I attempted to characterise in my post. My question is addressed specifically to @connor who invited questions, and I’m looking forward to his reply in due course.

You are well within your rights to wait for the team. Only answers from the community will come today. Do you wish to have this dialogue?

It is also your right to share your assessments or raise questions.

Let’s keep the dialogue respectful, patient and understanding. If I have not succeeded in this, I apologize.

After all, your words are being read in a generally very pleasant community.

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Hi everyone,

We have rolled out a fix for all known memory leak issues with the most recent build, Build 970. You can read the full release notes here.

Please update your Core and all Remotes to Build 970 to install the fix.

This fix should resolve the issue across all platforms. I recommend fully restarting your Core and all Remotes for due diligence.

Thank you again for your patience and diligent reporting.


I am happy to report that, on my system, RAM use seems to be stable at around 1600-1800MB (50k track library). Core and remotes remain responsive after a couple hours of shuffled playback. Thanks to everyone here and the Roon team.


Hi @Brandon,

Wonderful news. You’re more than deserving of a stable system after enduring this issue for so long. Please do reach out in a new topic thread if anything comes up (this one will auto-close after a few days), and we’ll be here to support.


Confirmed, running much better can now leave my unraid docker roonserver unattended, thanks!


Hi @connor

I’m delighted that build 970 has fixed the major issues that made Roon unusable for many users. As I reported, my experience of the memory problem with 952 occurred only once in the fortnight or so between updating and my post above, and in the 9 days after that, the problem recurred only once. You can see those two memory utilisation spikes in this graph of the past month:

Since updating to 970 I have had no recurrence of the problem, but at this stage I’m unclear whether 970 will have addressed whatever gave rise to the memory leak in my case, simply because it’s too early to know. Would it not make sense to keep this issue open for at least another week?

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A post was split to a new topic: Windows 11 Performance and Minimize/Maximize Crashes on Build 970

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