My issue is also related to Roon crashes several times and is restarted by the watchdog
My configuration is:
The size of the database is:
- 1313 albums
- 21290 tracks
I have also a Qobuz subscription.
Description of of the symptoms:
Randomly I see the describted exception. Sometimes I see this exception in the Roon_Server.log (Under RoonServer/Logs/) and sometimes I see this exception is handled by watchdog in logfile ROONSERVER_QNAP_LOG.txt.
In the first situation after the exception I see the memory grows quickly. I took 4 or 8 hours to consume all of the available memory. This exception occurs at day and night even when nothing is playing. In case the the memory grows, Roon become slower and slower. At some point even the playback is disrupting frequently. Only a restart of the Roon Server solves the problem.
In case of the exception is caught by watchdog, The server is restarted en everything seems to be in the original state.