Metadata Improver: Halted - SonicTransporter


I have an error message in Roon, which I’ve attached. Both ROON and SonicTransporter are running versions 1.7. What is this message requesting?

Hi @Herb_Goedecke,

Can you please try the following?

  1. Reboot your networking gear
  2. Reboot your SonicTransporter
  3. Log out and back into any streaming services via the Roon Settings -> Services tab.

Do any of these steps resolve this behavior?

Hi Noris:

  1. Rebooted network router (soft reboot) … no change.
  2. Rebooted SonicTransporter and UltraRendu … no change.
  3. Logged out of TIDAL and rebooted ROON on PC … no change
  4. Logged back into TIDAL … no change

The error message continues to insist that ROON needs software update.

Hi @Herb_Goedecke,

Can I please ask that you log out of TIDAL and back in via the Roon Settings -> Services tab and let me know the exact local time + date you perform this function? I would like to enable diagnostics on your SonicTransporter to see if we can gather further clues after receiving this info.

Hi Noris:

At 7:21pm on Friday March 20, 2020, I reconnected TIDAL after logging out again.

The error message continues … Restart your Roon, not core.


Re-booted everything again, just to be sure … including another re-boot of the Roon Server on the SonicTransporter.

Mysteriosly, the error message has not reappeared. I can only assume the problem has resolved

I wonder what caused this as I am unaware of any updates that were installed.


Hi @Herb_Goedecke,

Glad to hear that the message disappeared with the latest reboot! There were some changes made in our latest release in this area, but I am hopefully that the issue on your end are resolved since the latest reboot. If the behavior re-occurs, just let us know and we can take another look!

All is good here now! Thanks, Noris.

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