There is a band “Angels of Light” by Michael Gira of Swans fame. Looking at Angels of Light, I get the correct albums in Discography > Main Albums (I use Qobuz), but below there is another set of albums “With Angels of Light” that is some weird Christian stuff with one album per archangel. Not the same!
Some band names seem to be prone to this. Try Elysian Fields and it may give you some death metal stuff instead of the NYC „Rock“ band.
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Better now but still some…
The main albums are OK and “With Angels Of Light” section was removed:
But Singles & EPs as well as “More from” are still possessed:
Not to grind an axe, but it gets worse again with this rubbish polluting a great band‘s discography
And this isn’t coming from MusicBrainz nor Allmusic where the discography of Gira‘s Angels of Light is correct
This problem originates from the streaming services. I’ve requested that they all review their content for Angels of Light.
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Thank you so much
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