Minnesota's Classic Rock | 92.5 KQRS-FM

Hello everybody,

I need your support to know if it would be possible to add the radio station : Minnesota’s Classic Rock | 92.5 KQRS-FM ?

Thanks for all your good job and have a nice day.


Hello @Bandi92 , I’ve added KQRS for you, please check if OK.

Hello @BrianW , thanks for your prompt reply but when I type KQRS in the search bar I don’t have a radio KQRS, maybe because I’m in France?

If you try and access their website (http://www.92kqrs.com/) you will be blocked. I checked UK, France, Germany, Netherlands and US. Only US worked.

I could add a stream that worked, but I don’t want to go against their setup.

I’ve set a geo-restriction of US only for now, although I haven’t been able find any statement that it is US only.

Ok, understand, I just got back from Minneapolis and found this radio station cool when I was there…

I’ve been checking third party sites and they all work ok from the UK. I still haven’t found anything on their site that says they are US only, so I’ve removed the geo-restriction.

Enjoy the station!

Yes, It works :+1: Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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