Music is in a 5 disc set of piano consertos by Martha Argerich. Discs 1 - 3 are correctly labelled but discs 4 and 5 are mis-labelled. eg Beethoven piano concerto no. 3 is shown as Piano concerto in A minor by Schumann.
Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?
Is the album identified in Roon?
Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?
The 7 disc set must be different to the one I have. I think you often get classical discs recirculated as part pf different sets. I’ve got the box set in front of me and each disc has completely different artwork.
The name of the set is: Martha Argerich & Claudio Abbado Complete Conerto Recordings.
The number on the barcode is 28947 94155. The isbn number is 4794155 (I think).
This looks like an issue whereby Roon’s library is incomplete.
Alternatively, is there a way in which I can label each track myself. I’ve looked and can’t find this.
Have you tried to manually identify the set using Roon’s Album Editor? It may be that Roon has been mistaken in its identification, in which case you may be able to correct it by using the manual identification function of the editor.
I’ve changed the title to “Martha Argerich & Claudio Abbado Complete Conerto Recordings.” in the local file and updated roon. This hasn’t changed the track labelling.
There was a mis-spelling in the title (conerto, not concerto). I fixed that but no change to track titles. I also tried the title “Complete Cocerto Recordings” and added Claudio Abbado to Martha Argerich as artists. This didn’t work either.
In future, if you need to use the Roon Album Editor, there’s several sections with subtly different meanings; so you have “Primary Artist”, “Album Artist” and “Credits” sections. It’s the Credits section where roles such as Conductor are assigned to an artist.