Missing track information on Qobuz

Using Qobuz through Roon I came across albums that are missing crucial track information.
Example (Wilhelm Kempff: The Complete Beethoven Sonatas):
Screenshot from Room

Screenshot from Qobuz app

Notice the missing track information viewed through Roon.
For classical music users, this is crucial information.

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There are a lot classical albums where this is the case, for example the box sets Mozart 225. I did send Qobuz a message (via their customer support about the complete duo’s. After a few days the complete trio’s where corrected! Complete unusable if there is no metadata in Roon.

But my greatest fear is if I buy such an album at Qobuz, that this download is also unusable. Maybe i just try 1 track…

Hi @Itamar_Axelrod,

I have passed along your report to the team and we are currently investigating why this displays differently than in Qobuz directly. I’ll be sure to update you here once we have more information. We appreciate your report!

@Itamar_Axelron, this is a subject of some interest to me. I pulled up, in Roon, Quobuz’s version of the Kempff album. Before importing, the tracks look like this on a MacBook Pro remote (13"):

in all, 102 tracks in one disc (!). After importing, it looked like this:

Roon at least grouped parts into works, although it did not ID the compositions (are you reading this Roon? This will take 15 minutes to fix by hand.) The album was IDed.

In neither case did I get your display of PART names only. What remote is yours?

Hi @John_V,

I’m using an iphone IOS Roon remote.
I do not see the major track ID as you’re showing it.
BTW, this is for Kempff’s Beethoven’s sonata MONO set. I need to check the stereo set to see if it has the same issue.

I found about 8 Kempff Sonata albums. :slight_smile: Pls post the cover.


All, we know what it going on here. It’s a Qobuz-specific issue and are working with them on it.

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@joel in this week’s new releases I’ve sampled 3 albums that have missing track info (metadata):

This metadata is crucial for classical music, as without it I can only guess which is which.
Any chance these issues will be resolved for the complete Qobuz database?
I have not stumbled upon this phenomenon when I use/used the Qobuz app.

Yes, the fix is already underway from the Qobuz side. We have a few changes to make our end to process the previously missing metadata.

That’s great, thanks!