At the outset, I searched for this and find some of the solutions incomprehensible to a layman. I’m not a tech Luddite, but neither am I an IT professional. Such terms as RAID arrays and the like are far beyond by level.
My problem is this: I have an Intel Nuc7i5BNH running ROCK on a 512GB M2 card. The nuc has a 2TB internal SSD and is connected to the LAN by ethernet. I’ve just hit the wall with internal storage capacity. I’m getting messages that the SSD is full.
What are my options? From what I have been able to read (and understand), I can:
a. Install a 2.5" 4T SSD in place of the 2TB SSD so long as it is less than 9.5mm thick (for semi-megabucks, though the price is coming down)
b. Install a larger USB HDD connected by USB. Wouldn’t that be much slower though?
c. Would installing an external HDD be possible using the internal SATA port somehow if the internal SSD isn’t being used? Wouldn’t that be faster than USB?
d. Something else -
Currently I have a backup USB HDD connected to to the nuc to backup the Roon core and another to backup the backup. First backup works weekly; second backups the first backup monthly. So I guess I’m going to have to upgrade everything to more capacity.
Also correct regarding the option. USB speeds are a bit slower than internal SATA but this is completely irrelevant because USB is many orders of magnitude faster than music data needs to be read.
If you move the music over to the new disk (instead of just adding new music to the new disk), follow the sequence in this guide:
Thanks, Suediez! Good reply, and a USB HDD will be less expensive than a high-capacity SSD. I didn’t realize the speed differences were negligible in terms of music files.
This depends upon what you mean be backup. The backup’s that are performed by the Roon Server application (on NUC/ROCK devices and any other Roon Server) backup only the Roon Database (that is, for NUC/ROCK devices held on the M.2 drive along with the OS and the Roon Server application).
If this the backup (and the only backup) that you are talking about, the size of the USB HDD’s required for backup are not directly related to the amount of internal storage used (It will be dependent upon library size (no of tracks and no of albums) and complexity (box sets, tagging, playlists etc).
You can get an idea of the database size by visiting the ROCK web UI ( http://rock ) and looking at the information about the database and the space available for it. Typically, this is just a few 10’s of Gigabytes even when you have quite large libraries.
Consequently, this backup does not require large USB storage devices.
However, if you also schedule a backup of the internal storage media files from the internal storage to USB disk (the backup would have to be run from another computer - RoonOS device like ROCK do not have this capability built in), then obviously, the space required for this additional backup is directly related to the amount of internal storage used.