Moving from ROCK to Linux server…

I’m currently running ROCK on an Intel NUC, but I’m going to move over to a Linux server. This is completely unnecessary, but I’ve just successfully set up a Plex server on a Raspberry Pi and really enjoyed the process. I’ve now ordered a cheap N100 based Beelink with a view to having both Plex and Roon running on a headless setup. I don’t know whether I’ll take a meaningful performance hit, I know I’m sacrificing the zero maintenance aspect of ROCK, but really I’m doing this because I want to play.
My first question (pretty sure there’ll be others) is this- which distro? My first thought is Ubuntu server, but I’m a noob with Linux and happy to hear suggestions…

It is really easy to get going with Dietpi - a lightweight Debian based distro.

Roon Server, Roon Bridge, Plex and much more is directly supported and very easy to install.

I, and a few others, have been running Roon on Dietpi without issue.


Oh I had no idea that it was available for x86- definitely worth a look!

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I’d recommend Ubuntu Server 22.04 minimal ISO, and add openssh-server during the install.

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Dietpi is great for Roon and Plex and lots of other stuff. Use it myself very easy to get going.


I did this, I ran Roon and Plex successfully.
I used vanilla Debian workstation, installed ssh and it’s been rock solid since.

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This is what I did (well, 24.04, mainly 'cause I’d already flashed a USB with Ubuntu). All gone shockingly trouble free so far…

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