Moving Roon from Qobuz to Tidal or vice versa?

Tidal has suddenly become much more appealing.

How well does Roon handle the scenario of moving from Qobuz to Tidal or vice versa? If I subscribe to Tidal and then, at some future date, unsubscribe from Qobuz, will the albums I’ve added from Qobuz remain in my library and be mapped to Tidal equivalents? I assume the answer is yes, but would like to confirm.

I have a similar question about the new playlist functionality available in Early Access. I’m not on Early Access. If a Roon user has both Tidal and Qobuz, are Playlists synchronized to both services? Or do you pick one?


Use Soundiiz to handle the change.

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I’ll keep both but I prefer Qobuz with Roon.

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Is this necessary?

I hoped that adding an album was a logical operation that applied to the “Album” and not to the Qobuz or Tidal version of the album. Is that not the case?

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It never has been; but the new playlist functionality does seem to do something similar (not tried it - don’t use playlists!) so it might be feasible one day!

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Is the underlying reason that when, for example, Qobuz is the service in use, clicking the “+” button for an album is equivalent to favoriting that album on Qobuz and nothing more? In other words, for streaming content, Roon’s notion of library inclusion is simply “is it favorited on the service”?

[Edit: Never mind. I’m getting the answers I need from forum search, which is what I should have done in the first place]

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I run both Qobuz and Tidal in Roon, with Qobuz being the priority, if I add an album to the library that is available on both services, it adds to Qobuz only, I manually add it to Tidal too so both are mirrored.

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Thanks for breaking this out, @Carl. I should have searched the forum and, if necessary, started a separate thread. I’m not the first to try to figure this out.

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Nope, and you won’t be the last… I hope Soundiiz works out for you.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Value offered by these two service (Tidal & Qobuz)

Anyone using Soundiiz be prepared to do some manual tidying up afterwards.
In transferring artists between services I ended up with a lot of artists I’d never heard of. It had moved the correct artist but added artists who had similar names.

In the past when I used playlists it transferred live versions of tracks rather than studio, I’m a bit OCD when it comes to my library so it meant picking my way through them and correcting it.

I’d echo that - the new Roon playlist migration is far more effective, which helps a little. However I ended up spending a lot of time in Roon post-migration matching up identical versions of albums between Tidal/Qobuz which Roon had seen as separate. Plus you lose all the tagging (it’s attached to the version of an album), and if you rely on date added it, of course, becomes useless.

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Of topic and old post, but what’s the reason you use both streaming services? Is the availability of music so much different between the two?

I was also wondering the same. Tidal is cheaper for me and both have lossless so I was thinking about switching as well. Where did you end up? Did you make the swap?

No, it’s just having redundancy that’s all. It’s one service has an issue I can use the other. Both services have their good and bad points.

Ah got it! Thanks for explaining!