Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro from Charles Mackerras (Telarc)

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Local files.

Screenshot of import settings

Everything is “Prefer Roon” except Artwork, Original Release Date, and Release date.

Description of the issue

The work/part grouping of Disc 1, Track 25 displays that it is part of Act 3, when it is, in fact, part of Act 2.

In the meantime, I am using my own Work/Part grouping.

Any idea on what can be done to fix this?

I can’t be sure until I look at this in detail, but it’s probably incorrect Section metadata from TiVo (which is now deprecated); TiVo don’t even have the tools to edit this field any more, otherwise I’d have fired off an email to get it corrected. :frowning:

Unfortunately, it’s not currently fixable by you or us (as we don’t have an edit mechanism for this particular field). However, I’m going to create a ticket to see what we can do in code as it’s clearly nonsensical to go from Act 2 to Act 3, then back to Act 2 (particularly when the track begins with “Act 2”).

@joel Thank you very much for whatever you can do. The fact that this is deprecated makes a lot of sense to me. I have an AllMusic account and sometimes submit corrections, but I couldn’t find a way with this one!

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As it turns out, this looks like a bad part assignment on track 25 as the part “sequence numbers” in the performance are out of whack: they go from 11 → 20 → 12. I’ve asked TiVo to take a look (part assignments can be fixed!).

Thank you again, @joel !

Hi @DDPS. This has now been fixed. Please allow up to a week for the updated metadata to be pulled into your library.

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Many thanks @joel .

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@joel - Thanks for reopening this - this still hasn’t been fixed. Thanks for whatever you can do.

@DDPS The metadata look good on our servers. Do you still have the same problem in your library?

I just went in after unidentifying the album, doing a library cleaning and a force rescan and it was still broken. However given what you shared, it occurred to me to perform a “reidentify” and that got it cleared up. Whew! This is something I should remember for the future. Thanks! All set.

@DDPS Good news, but we feel that these updates should be automatic. Would you confirm if you have 88 or 90 tracks in this album (or something else)? Thanks.

Thank you. 90 tracks. Thank you again @joel !

I thought it would be. Thx for confirming. My reason for asking is that I don’t think that the metadata id against which your album is identified has changed… and that points to a metadata update bug.