On the public side, @mike has commented on the Bluesound situation here:
Bluesound have committed themselves to implementing the new SDK about six months ago, but also told it is a lot of work that takes time to make changes to their own architecture. The SDK updates involves both syncing improvements and MQA integration. DSD, AFAIK, was never never firmly promised, other than it being on the list of things to investigate – as goes for a host of other feature requests.
Mind – I’m not trying to to sweet-talk over this. I think things are moving too slow at BS and have sold off a Node 2 that I was otherwise happy with over this (the Pulse 2 in my bedroom isn’t going anywhere soon though).
But integrating ecosystems is hard and sometimes has unforeseen consequences. The whole MQA thing brought with it new requirements that only became clear after Bluesound had stepped aboard the RoonReady boat. I commend them for committing to the work, but yes – for a BS owner, it’s a long wait.