Multifactor auth on Roon Account - 👍🏻

I didn’t know, stumbled upon the MFA option in my Account page.
Lovely, great work! And if you’re in the “walled garden” (Apple loyal) you don’t need extra apps, just use your iOS password manager. (Which should be mentioned on the activating page)
I’m sure this might work for the Android believers also, without extras?

Where? Here:


Just enabled it, using Authy.

All the same options should be available on Android. I will check it out later but this is good news and should be shouted from the rooftop by the Roon team

The service may not yet be fully up and running. I have just enabled MFA to use Microsoft Authenticator, logged out to test it, and now I can’t log in. Disabled MFA again, and I still can’t log in.

No music for me today.

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Geoff thanks for that information, I am away to the end of the week so maybe I will wait until I am back :smile:

I managed to get back up and running again. I found that I had to log in using a second Roon Remote; that seemed to clear the glitch from the first Roon Remote as well.

I’m still not going to re-enable MFA until I hear from Roon Labs that the service is official… :slightly_smiling_face:


Very nice. I’ve enabled it using 1password.


Makes me wonder though, is this MFA a part of the SSO initiative so as to include federated log in to the forum as well? And translation tools for those of us so inclined?

Edit: Translations tools, no. It seems as the forum is SSO’ed though.

With the change to SSO are we supposed to relogin as it never asked me to after I updated?

Will have to take a look when I get back home, thanks for the heads up :+1:

Great to see they have added MFA. Would be even better if they supported Security Keys. Hopefully they can add support for WebAuthn in the future.

You mail address is visible in your screenshot. You may want to remove it.


Activated multifactor authentication without any issues.

MFA is working here. Glad to see the team added it, it was really needed.

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Oh the irony! :sweat_smile:
I don’t think it’s a big secret though, visible on many places. And considering all the spam i receive i think it’s on every spam bot mailregister!
Still, thanks! :+1:t2:

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Enabled yesterday, using 1Password. It works perfectly. Mostly welcome feature.

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Enabling Multifactor worked well.
The german translation of “disabled” to “behindert” is completely off, though. Should be “inaktiv” or “deaktiviert”
“Behindert” can be translated to “disabled”, but has the meaning of “handicapped” in german. You really may want to change this.


Thanks to the OP for pointing this out. I set it up with Google Auth very quickly.


I use MFA in a number of secure applications.

Rhetorically, why do we need or want MFA for ROON?

It seems like overkill and nuisance for the end user. Does ROON put our networks at risk?


These days it seems like common (not to mention, best) practice. I make use of it where it is offered.