Music from movies and even from game - classical?

Is it normal? For me classical doesn’t mean soundtrack from Twin Peaks, Interstellar, or Mass Effect game.
Or maybe I’m wrong but then focus is not as useful as I thought :confused:
I guess I can fix it locally but is it somehow noticed as mismatch and edited by… I don’t know Roon Labs or allmusic team?
Hmmm… Ok I edited genra and now is “- Classical” but the game Soundtrack is still visible…

The same last Blade Runner is not classical music for me (or maybe something changed recently…)

The allmusic Classical subgenres include “Film Score” and “Show/Musical”. You may have other genres defined as sub-genres of Classical like “Original Score”

You can edit your tags and/or your genre hierarchy so that your Film/TV/Game soundtracks are no longer sub-genres of Classical. But it is not straightforward. Shostokovich, for example, wrote 36+ film scores. That hasn’t been an edge case. Korngold is another example. Personally what I have tried to do is reserve “Original Score” as a Classical sub-genre and “Film Score” as not. I didn’t find an easier way.


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