Musically, the best days of our lives?

Who else is absotively posilutely amazed by the musical landscape/technology we have available today!?

I am not talking about software or gear, just music.

To step back and think about how far we have come in our ability to explore and enjoy music is, for me, utterly amazing.

Thanks to the Roon Community and the Music Subforum here, I can discover new music from all over the world. And with a streaming service, I can listen to a new artist or full album with excellent SQ in less than 60 seconds.

In the past week alone, I have discovered at least a dozen new albums that I would have happily purchased in the past. But those 12 albums would have cost more than I pay for a full year of streaming.

If music has the power to soothe the soul, we should be thrilled.

Hooray for the Roon Community, and hooray for the music.

OK, maybe I had the volume a little too high and got carried away, but still.


The music world we live in now is truly magnificent for us the listeners with all the streaming at a fingertip away.
Not so much for the artists right now though but I know a lot of members here help where they can by buying music in Bandcamp.


I certainly agree about the artist’s compensation. I was going to mention that at the end but then it didn’t seem to fit.