My "Audiophiled" NUC

GIving my NUC audiophile treatment. :wink: No, it does not make a difference, having a bit of fun. No digital signals were harmed in the process.


Of course it doesn’t work. No crystals or pyramids. :wink:

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There were no expectations, maybe slightly better cooling :wink:

I see you have it connected to the network with a blue length of Cat5. This is a surefire recipe for a cool uninvolving sound. Try an bright orange cable to liven things up a bit or red if in a party mood. Grey of course for a neutral sound.


Correction, it is CAT6.

I am assuming then that is what is in your system, so you into Snakeoil.

Do the clay pigeons give the sound some air and stop it sounding too wooden?

Stop smoking that stuff, Axel.

You need a cable riser on that power cord. It will lift the veil off…

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