My Live Radio not showing track Information

Many months ago before “My live radio” option was introduced, I used to paste a radio station’s URL’s into Roon (Eg Radio Paradise) and would see information about the track currently playing; very useful. Now, when I invite Roon to find the radio station for me I see a nice fancy graphic of the radio station (thank you) but no track information. I’ve reverted to pasting URL giving me track info which is much more useful than the pretty graphic. Is there a way around this?
Thank you Roon, for enriching my listening pleasure!

Hello @James_Daly, sounds like we’ve got the wrong url in our database, or the default one is not carrying metadata.

Can you let me know which stations are giving problems and I’ll try and fix them. Thanks.

P.S. for Radio Paradise, be sure to choose the stream which ends in …/flacm

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Hi Brian, for R Paradise I’ve changed to /flacm as you suggest, problem solved. I was on first option: /flac. Brilliant, thank you. I’ll go through and check other radio stations. Best, James

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