NAD/Bluesound Grouped Zones out of sync, stopping playing, and/or skipping tracks [Investigating]

Roon Core Machine

Mac Mini M2, 16GB RAM
OS 13.4

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Deco XE75 Pro

Connected Audio Devices

Bluesound Pulse 300 ethernet CAT 6
Bluesound Flex 2i wireless
Bluesound Flex wireless
Bluesound Flex wireless
NAD M33 ethernet CAT 6
NAD C368 ethernet CAT 6
Bluesound Pulse mini wireless
Bluesound Pulse mini wireless

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

Sync is off in Roon since the most recent BluOS firmware, no issues using the BluOS app. Bluesound suggest this is a Roon issue.