NAD M10 V3 shows artwork and title but won't play

Just set up my new M10 V3, it has the Roon Ready firmware upgrade, but my issues are:

  1. When I select the NAD as an audio source in Roon (Roon RAAT, not Airplay 2), it doesn’t switch to Roon on the NAD automatically, and I have to switch to Roon as a source manually on the NAD. At that point I can see the artwork and track title of the track my Roon ROCK is trying to play on the NAD’s screen.

  2. There’s no audio. Roon shows it is trying to play the track, but then gives up and moves to the next track. It does this a few times then gives up with “Too many failures” as an error message.

I can play to another RAAT endpoint fine, where everything works as you’d expect, and I can also play to the NAD fine using Airplay 2 (ie it switches automatically, shows artwork/titles, audio plays correctly).

Anyone got any ideas why Roon RAAT isn’t working on the M10 V3? something in the audio settings maybe? Thanks!

Restart your Roon server or just the app and your M10. Might sort it out. When newly added to Roons database they can get a bit mixed up until reboot.

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Thanks CrystalGypsy. I did all you suggested (and more) - apart from physically unplugging the M10 - once I’d fully power cycled it, it worked fine. Appreciated!


Happened to me when my Marantz Model 40n became RR. It behaved very oddly and only saw it as supporting 44.1 until I rebooted