NAD M12 and Roon

The new BluOS software on an NAD M12 with the Bluos2 card is incompatible with Roon. It is not recognized as Roon Ready and can only be added as another device.

How can I downgrade the BluOS on the NAD M12 to make the two software packages compatible?

This has been an issue for over a month so I have given up on a quick fix from BluOS. Since Roon works on my other Bluesound devices this is not a Roon problem. So, how can I downgrade the software on my NAD M12 to make it compatible with Roon?

Simon, there appears to be a bug in version 3.20.45 of the BluOS firmware which can block Roon from recognizing some BluOS devices. Best bet it to go to NAD support and ask for a ticket to be opened, which will with luck get you a NAD tech who will walk you through installing different firmware.