Yes. Particularly true as my speakers are new too.
It is something I check fairly regularly.
Easy to turn DIRAC on and off.
I’m curious. Do you periodically recalibrate Dirac to compensate for the break-in?
Not really.
I only tried it out as an initial set up.
I have a second subwoofer arriving in a week or so and once that is here and everything is burned in, I will set a few listening positions and leave it.
Did you use the full version of DIRAC or the one that came with the unit?
First try was with the version that came with the M33.
Then upgraded to the full version and used that.
Right now I have 2 of the 5 slots filled. One with the full version correction and the other with the light version.
How much a difference do you notice between the two versions? Is the full version worth it?
I did notice a difference but far less noticeable than between no DIRAC and the basic version.
That said, this was my first attempt at DIRAC set up. I think I can do better with microphone placement and also speaker leveling in the set up.
So, I can’t say for sure whether the to 99 dollars was worth it.
But is that a $99 investment on a $4,000 device and a very nice device at that.
Seems like a small amount to pay for any kind of improvement in the audio world.
I have my M33 know since 3 weeks. The Handling is amazing simple and very userfriendly. But I am dissapointed by the Sound quality. I am seriously thinking about selling it. I have an Ayre KX 5 Pre and the 5 Amp combo. That should be replaced by the M33. Ok the Level is already quiet high and I didn’t expect any improvement but it was a bit shock in comparison. I have played around days with DIRAC (Full Version) but it did not work as hoped. The Soundstage getting smaler. Music is not happening as a Union of a “wall of Sound” as it was before.
Any Tipps suggestions? Is there a Target Curve that gives a more authentic Sound? I have tried the Harmann curve and mod it as long as from the hole response it seamed right but the fun is not there.
I still miss the groovy feeling and the fingers are not tipping …
Morning all. It’s been… oooo… 3 yrs since I last posted in these Roon forums.
Anyway, my rather trivial question is this:
Is it possible to show the VU meters on the M33 display when playing Roon tracks
I’ve looked in the menu system (under ‘Source Setup’) but it appears, to me at least, that Roon is not showing as a Source and, therefore, I can’t change the front display from showing artwork.
Any thoughts or advice on this?
Otherwise, I love the M33. Exactly what I was looking and hoping for from a ‘super-integrated’.
@Rik_Carter I could’nt find a way to change the Display either.
Meanwhile I have made somesteps forward, soundwise.
I have connect the M33 now direct to my Innuos Mini Mk 3 via the ethernet out of the Innuos. Very surprising to me. That was really something that imroves the soundstage a lot. It seams to me that the “Streamer” inside the M33 is a bit sensitive regarding the Ethernet connection. In the past the connection was done by a Fritz Wlan repeater 2400.
I have been having occasional issues with it crashing with room (seen turns white, then reboots) if I fast forward too many tracks in a row. Happens rarely, but it happens.
Otherwise, totally happy. - Save the fact I wish they let speakers be full range, with also having subwoofer output!!!
You can achieve that by connecting your subwoofer via the pre-out of the M33 instead of the sub out.
Does that still work with DIRAC room correction?
And also possible with 2 subs?
If you are going to use DIRAC you are definitely better off using the sub outs. You definitely could use the pre-outs for two subwoofers, but it would be a tremendous amount of effort to integrate them properly and I’m not sure how I would go about using DIRAC in that configuration (DIRAC won’t recognize that you have subwoofers hooked up). I have a NAD M10 and originally used the pre-outs for a single subwoofer to fill in the the low end. I used DIRAC just on the speakers and adjusted the subwoofer manually to taste. Now I’m using two subwoofers and DIRAC made the setup really easy.
I have two subwoofers on an m10. They are wired at speaker level though and Dirac works with this as i guess it sees them all as one.
Hiya mate.
Which subs are you running? Thinking of adding one to my M10 paired with the Metas.
Created a topic on this but got no bites
A pair of KEF Kube 8b’s with KEF LS50s in a smallish room.
BK electronics. Same as the older REL from what I can tell. Sometimes have 2nds on eBay. You can choose between downward firing and front firing. It’s the speaker level connections that I wanted though as I prefer them.
I set them up to just run under the main speakers as accurately as I could and just hear them filling in. I then ran DIRAC, it tightened it all up. Whether I prefer Dirac or not is still in question.
@SlowJazzHand @garye Thanks gents