Nails & Satie's Fraktion listed as same artist: Nails

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Wrong artist, Satie’s Fraktion has an album called Nails

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Description of the issue

Nails & Satie’s Fraktion listed as same artist: Nails

Please would you help me here? I don’t know either of these bands or their albums. What exactly is the issue here? It’s really not clear to me from your post.

Which album or albums are affected?
What band?
Did they collaborate?
What is wrong and what should be correct?


Nails is a rock/heavy metal band

Satie’s Fraktion is a jazz band

Roon lists the Satie’s Fraktion (artist) as the album name by the artist Nails (Satie’s Fraktion’s album name)

To be fair, it’s incorrectly shown in Qobuz as well.

Does this make sense now? :wink:

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Got it thanks. I’ve let Qobuz know.

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Thanks @joel :+1:

There are more by the way. Qobuz could do with checking Todó and Todo as they show as one but are two. :wink: