Need for speed (v1.2 b165, 64bit, Windows)

Just tried it again. Using an iPad Mini 3 as a Control. The search itself is quick and occurs while typing, but the typing is slow and laggy. It takes about a second or more for each letter or deletion to occur, meaning I have to slow my typing speed considerably.

That’s much faster than my experience Rene, what Control are you using ?

MacBook Air, 1,6Ghz i5.

Any one with an iPad able to confirm ?

Running an iPad Air 2. First tried connecting to a heavily loaded core running linux and the process was as fast as I could type. Switched over to a Windows core and it was like typing in slow motion. I could watch the keyboard buttons continue “typing” long after I had tapped them. Switched back to the linux core and it was now almost as slow.

Killed the app and re-tried. Improvement, but not by much. Need to poke around a little more here.