Need help. Installing Hqplayer with Roon

I am running Roon server on a windows NUC. I have the following Roon end points:

  1. iFi Zen Stream connected to Hugo TT2
  2. Raspberry Pi running Ropieee (used as roon display and control via a touch screen)
  3. My windows laptop
  4. Android phone

All Roon end points are connected to my home Mesh network.
I did install Hqplayer server + client on my Roon server NUC and attached it to Roon via roon settings. It sppears in the Audio settings of roon
I did install Hqplayer client on my windows laptop. I did configure Hqplayer output to “ifi: hugo tt2”
When trying to tp play (choosing Hqplayr zone) nothing is streamed, Roon cannot connect to Hqplayer.
I am at loss on how to configure Hqplayer for my server to serve all my end points.

Please assist/direct me to the relevant information.


As far as Roon is concerned:

The rest of the setup has probably to be done in HQPlayer (correctly). Try posting HQPlayer related questions in HQ Player.

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